October 2022
WOWEEE WOWZA!!! What a show!!!! 🤩
Well done to my wonderful dancers who took part in the Thatcham Thrives Dance Gala, part of Thatcham Town Council’s Thatcham Festival 2022.
What a difference one year makes! Today officially marked the 1st anniversary of our first ever theatre performance and wow! We have come so far! Well done to those dancing with us for the first time too!
A HUGE thank you to my amazing backstage helpers for making the show run so slick! It wouldn’t have been possible without you!
And of course a BIG thank you and congrats to all the dance groups participating. You were all incredible and danced your hearts out. WELL DONE ALL OF YOU!
See you all next year for Thatcham Thrives Gala 2023!!
